My name is Andrew Heaton. I’m the owner, strength & conditioning specialist, and National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach who coaches and empowers determined people to upgrade their health, how they look, function, and feel so they can always do the things they love in life. Since 2007 I've helped over 300 people achieve their goals who were struggling with extra weight/diabetes/high blood pressure/insomnia/waking up often/cardiovascular disease/heart disease/osteoarthritis/body aches and pains from their job/life/past injury, headaches/migraines, improving aerobic fitness, getting stronger, and building muscle. Are you interested in a coaching partnership? Schedule a free consult!"
I’ve personally been where my clients are having struggled with having plenty of extra body fat, prediabetes, high blood pressure, insomnia, debilitating low back pain, completely out of shape, and the lowest physical performance. I committed 8 years to acquiring the knowledge, resources, and coaching skills to help myself and hundreds of other people overcome their health and fitness struggles. Throughout my educational journey I’ve earned my Masters Degree in health and human performance, national board certified health & wellness coach, strength & conditioning specialist, and coaching certifications in personal training, kettlebell lifting, and heart rate variability. Then, I applied what I learned to myself by setting goals, implementing lifestyle action steps, and completing many effective fitness programs helping me overcome all of my chronic health conditions, eliminate my back pain, have respectable aerobic/physical performance, and optimize many blood biomarkers to help me have terrific health.
My mission since 2007 has been to inspire, coach, and empower 1,000 dedicated people to upgrade their health, how they look, function, and feel so they can always do the things they love in life.
Over the past 16 years I’ve graduated more than 300 clients who successfully overcame their chronic health conditions, significantly upgraded targeted fitness qualities, and got their bodies functioning optimally so they can always do the things they enjoy in life.
Millions of people every year are being diagnosed with a variety of chronic health conditions, and hundreds of thousands of people are dying from them. 99% of everything we do in our lifestyle either leads us to having terrific health, a lean body, thriving energy, and can do whatever we want pain free or slowly results in a variety of consequences. Most people are missing the knowledge, lifestyle skills, resources, technology, workout programs, and coaching support to overcome their struggles so they can always do what they love in life.
When a client sits down to talk with me, they are going to get the client-centered experience they deserve, and meet a coach who understands where they are and is committed to supporting and empowering them to achieve the healthier person they want to become.
My favorite part of lifestyle coaching and fitness coaching is when my clients share their wins with me and how excited they are about how much better they feel or the measurable progress they make after a follow up body fat, strength/performance, aerobic conditioning, or functional movement test towards achieving their goals.
Masters Degree in Applied Kinesiology: Health and Human Performance
National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Strength and Conditioning Specialist Certified
Heart Rate Variability Analysis Certified
Kettlebell Lifting Certified
Personal Trainer Certified
CPR, AED, First Aid Certified
I offer my clients a client-centered coaching partnership vs a dictatorship
I do goal specific baseline and ongoing performance, functional movement, aerobic conditioning, and body fat testing to individualize their programs and quantify how much progress they’re making
I help them create, set, and achieve specific and meaningful goals that have an attached self-accountability plan
I sit down with them to co-create their fitness programs so that they always enjoy them, they track progress towards their goals, and contain the methods/exercises that they’d like to do, and the workout duration aligns with their busy schedule.
Their digital fitness programs include:
Exercise coaching videos that thoroughly demonstrate how to set it up, and perform the exercise safely and effectively
A benefits tab to educate you on all the cellular and physiological upgrades your program is doing for you to boost your motivation
My clients get the flexibility to get coached in person 1 on 1 or in small groups at their home, office, Los Campeones Gym in South Minneapolis, or live online. They can also choose to workout remotely with text/email support as needed so they can workout whenever it fits their schedule best at whatever gym they prefer to workout in.
They make progress without overdoing it or hurting themselves: Each workout has a 3 question survey asking you to rank your current energy, motivation, and muscle soreness. Then it will show you the best way to approach your workout that day.
I’m flexible and understanding when unpredictable work, family, vacations, and medical emergencies arise
I show up on time, full of energy, and excited to coach them safely/effectively through each workout from your individualized program so that you get all the benefits from the training methods and make progress towards your goals
Give them daily text support from 7am-4pm and email support 24/7 where you can ask me any health or fitness question, confirm if you’re doing an exercise/training method correctly, help you plan out your workout schedule for the week so you make the most progress while factoring in your work/family busy schedules, need me to send you alternative exercises to do, want me to change certain exercises in your program so you enjoy your workouts more, etc.
Check in with you privately every month to make sure you’re enjoying your program, making progress towards your goals, and brainstorm what additional areas of your lifestyle you feel changing would help you make better progress.
Give them a present after they finish every fitness program to upgrade their capability and belief that they will achieve their goal: Select 1 research supported educational lesson, lifestyle skill, or additional resource from my library (that currently consists of 70+ easy to understand documents), that my customized health & lifestyle coaching clients get.
I offer my clients a client-centered coaching partnership vs a dictatorship
I do a comprehensive health and lifestyle intake to thoroughly review everything they currently do throughout the day/week in the areas of nutrition, sleep, exercise, physical activity, lifestyle, stress reduction, and medically. Affirm everything they’re doing that will help them, and point out the things they’re doing that is sabotaging them. Figure out what they already know about what they’re struggling with and what current knowledge they can tap into to help them overcome it.
I help them create, set, and achieve specific and meaningful goals that have an attached self-accountability plan
I co-create their health and lifestyle coaching programs with them so that they get the freedom to achieve their goals the way they want, and choose which educational topics, lifestyle skills, progress trackers, and additional resources they need to become 100% competent and confident that they can achieve their goal on their own.
My clients get the flexibility to get coached 1 on 1 virtually or on the phone where we acknowledge their successes, troubleshoot anything that derailed them over the past week, create/modify/upgrade action steps that will result in progress towards achieving their goal, and brainstorm any obstacles that might derail them in the near future and create backup plans if they happen.
Give them daily text support from 7am-4pm and email support 24/7 where they can ask me any health or fitness question, review a food journal/nutritional tracker, help them upgrade/modify a recipe, review a restaurant menu and give them options on what to order that supports their goals, review any food online/grocery store and let them know if it is a goal-supporting or sabotaging option.
Are you interested in a coaching partnership? Schedule a free consult!
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