
Nourish your way to wellness with Tidwellness.

Erin, founder of Tidwellness, is a holistic nutritionist and health & wellness consultant and is also certified in sports nutrition and weight management.

Erin struggled for years with digestion and skin issues, food sensitivities and intolerances, and hormone imbalances. Through trial-and-error, working with a multitude of healthcare professionals, trying a host of different “diets”, Erin finally found what worked best for her gut and lifestyle. Through all those efforts, she found focusing on whole foods and clean eating, as well as changing up her personal care and household items to non-toxic options to be a game changer to her health.

Erin founded Tidwellness to help others with their struggles and goals by providing resources, tools, coaching and support with a focus on an overall integrated approach to health and wellness. Services are tailored specifically to each client. Erin offers a free intro session to identify how we can best work with one another. Looking forward to working with you on your wellness goals!

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