My name is Margaret Wooldridge. I began my path in the Nutrition and Wellness arena a few decades ago, following a romping childhood as a less than glamourous poster child for smart eating. Well, that's one way of putting it, anyway.
It went like this: I was an active, well-intended, conscientious kid, but I did not have a healthy diet. At all. Despite my mom's prowess as an exceptional cook with a regular course of fresh vegetables and variety, I had my own ideas about what I would eat - which meant lots of meaty-poultry-bacony-fatty foods and maybe four vegetables (not in the same day). Oh, and sugar – lots of that. I helped my mom in the kitchen periodically (thankfully) learning some important basics, but I’d much rather be outside running, climbing a tree, or chasing any kind of ball, to then quench my hunger with an embarrassment of sugary riches. Or meat. Or both. At meals, I was often the last one at the table because I refused to eat my vegetables and my parents had rules… that invariably involved consuming vegetables.
As adulthood loomed, I scooted off to college with all my bad eating habits in tow (okay, there were a few good ones), intent on learning all the finer points as a writer with a degree in English and Creative Writing. As nature would have it, though (with the help of Freshman Biology and a temptingly cute guy), my grand writing plans were way-laid by a budding awe for all things Nutrition, food and our amazing body wisdom. I was sucked into the wide world of wholesome eating, creative cooking (my parents were so proud), a vegetarian lifestyle (still happening), and the newfound charm of feel good living. In short time my degree was changed to Nutrition with an internship to follow as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and my writing plans were shelved in the veritable pantry.
The rest, I suppose is history, or really more of a jumping off place. The experience of empowering others for their best living became a passion with the backdrop of this growing knowledge (and its personal use). My interests and their discoveries expanded to wider avenues of Whole Wellcare with studies in Lifestyle, Energy and Vibrational Medicine, and their natural integration (with Nutrition) to whole body care. I personally experienced these practices early on, seeking relief and healing for my own (stubborn) health challenges, along with expanding studies in Nutrition. It was a game changer on a very personal level with meaningful health shifts that continue to prove invaluable in overcoming obstacles and life lived more fully - for myself and those I am privileged to work with.
What I Bring To The Table
Enriched experience working with:
- digestive health (another personal challenge teaching me much first hand)
- gut biome balance (and gut-brain connection)
- Diabetes and blood sugar management
- plant-based and vegetarian eating/lifestyle
- immune support
- weight management
- mindful living/practices
- organic/sustainable/whole food practices.
- supplementation support for all elements of healing/wellness
... And, What It Means
It's a rich process of multi-dimensional connections within (and around) our bodies that consistently influence our well being. To resolve and sustain the turbulence in our lives to a greater ease, we must appreciate what Nutrition and Wellness really means - for the "whole" being. Wellness for body.. wellness for mind.. and wellness for spirit. All of these parts contribute and influence the other as we walk through our moments in these incredible bodies.
What is our relationship with food? What (when? how?) are we eating? Where is our food coming from? What are our thoughts and our feelings? What is our stress? Our happiness? Inspiration? Passion? Comfort? What and how is the balance in our life, our food?
Our quality food choices are primary players in maintaining and renewing this body machine. But, when we incorporate the whole picture and feed all of these aspects of ourselves as well, with greater awareness - and kindness (yes, kindness!) - we can better heal and thrive in our own well being.. and with our communities - personally, locally, globally.
My work supports the science and the experience, providing Nutrition and Wellness services for the whole person in root cause focus, with integrated processes & support.
So, what's your story? We'll start where you are in it and walk toward your own best self.
Integrated Nutrition for Conscious living.