Strength and conditioning is the selection and development of dynamic or static exercises used to improve physical performance. This type of training involves a comprehensive approach to building a variety of skills such as mobility, stability, strength, endurance, power, speed, and performance.
Strength training for muscle growth is also known as hypertrophy training. Strength training, especially the functional kind, should be a key part of everyone’s fitness routine. It’s there to make you stronger (obviously) in both muscle and mind. Your bones become denser too, making them less exposed to breakage and fractures. Another reason to consider strength training is that your muscles can work at a lower capacity. Some other benefits of strength and conditioning are burning more fat, avoiding injuries, staying young, improving mood, and boosting confidence.
Many people have misconceptions about strength training that keep them from doing it. Learning the realities may help you get started. You don't need to join the gym. There are lots of benefits to working out at home. It's free, convenient, and private. You also don't have to use weights or machines to train, either. Anything that provides resistance can do the job. This includes resistance bands or your body weight.
Some questions that we will be answering in this session are: "How would you create training for a new athlete?" "How do you reach fitness goals?" and "How to create strength and conditioning programs for seniors and people who have underlining conditions?"