This is a Mindfulness offer in which I will develop one or multiple practice(s) personalized to address your pains and needs in the present moment. You have the freedom to tell me what is happening to you and I will design a meditation program to attend YOU!
First, I want to hear what your needs are. If you are interested, please start by scheduling a 15-minute free call with me. During our initial time together you will share what is going on in your life and how can I help you.
After that, I will design a meditation session or program of practices focused on your needs. These can be but are not confined to work-related stress, health conditions, eating healthier, substance use, focus for fitness, mental well-being, sexual health, sleep better, etc. Bring your demand and I will do my best to meet your expectations with practices that will help you meet the energy level you are searching for. Practices can improve internal peace, reduce stress, bring focus, etc.
I will design the practices drawing from my expertise in secular mindfulness, Buddhist practices, reiki, tarot, etc. We will be exploring heart practices, compassion, mindful walking, deep relaxation, breathing exercises, etc. The specific practice depends on your needs.
Most importantly, I will be designing these practices holding your needs with the attitude of a caregiver. My main objective is to listen to your needs and offer care.
After the 15-minute call, we will meet for a single/or multiple 30-minute session(s).
Mindfulness: A term that means being attentive and gentle with the experience of the present moment. It is having the presence of mind to be fully here and now while simply noticing the quality of your awareness, observing its ever-changing nature without judgment or discrimination. In its final state, the mindfulness experience can be described as filling the mind in the present moment with a quality of space, tranquility, balance, complete wisdom, and deep compassion. Is your mind busy, distracted, or reactive? Maybe mindfulness is for you.
– I offer consistency and depth in the practice that I will pass on to you. I have a Masters in Buddhist Studies that I acquired at Nalanda University in India; I studied with Buddhist masters in Nepal for 1 year; and I recently completed a Masters in Applied Theology at Harvard University. Furthermore, I am trained as a mindfulness instructor by Inward Bound Mindfulness Education in Boston, USA. Come with me to participate in this journey and receive these teachings with lots of love, care, and respect for your needs and limitations.