You have an idea of where you want to go, and you know that where you are and where you want to be are sadly far from each other.
Enter, Life Coaching! In these six sessions, you will learn to identify 1.) what YOUR values are, 2.) the differences between your dreams and your realities, 3.) how to think outside the box in, 4.) put new thoughts and ideas into action towards making a new reality based on your dreams, 5.) how to determine the difference between a good goal and one that isn't working, & 6.) health boundaries to protect your dreams.
Session One: Your Values
In this session, we will spend half of our time discovering what your values are, and why. We will list these and give thought as to why these values are important to you. For the second part of our session, we will guide you to make a 'Destiny Map'. We will be referring to this map throughout our coaching. By the end of this session, you will be able to list a reason for your dreams that connects to your values.
Session Two: Dreams and Realities
In this session, we will be be creating two 'Identity Boards'. The first will be your Dream Identity Board. This will be based on who you want to be. The second board will be your Reality Identity Board. This will be based on exactly how things are. By the end of this session, you will have an identification of what the differences are between your dreams and realities.
Session Three: What if...?
In this session, we will be taking the Destiny Map, the Identity Boards, and we will be observing the differences between the dreams and realities. With all of these tools, we will then imagine that we are in a show or detective story, and think of ways to help the person in that story get from one situation to another. By the end of this session, you will begin to start applying objective thinking to your situation.
Session Four: Action Part One
In this session, we will focus on the different paths that you are working on. We will work to identify what has worked, along with what has not. This will compare to testing a scientific hypothesis to conclude if the goals you have chosen are helping, or need to be tweaked. By the end of this session, you will have used the process of elimination to determine what short term goals are working for you, and which ones need to be tried. Continued use of the Values Sheet, Destiny Board, Dream Identity, and Reality Identity will be our grounding compass.
Session Five: Action Part Two
In this session, there will be a more intense focus on what goals are working, and which ones are not. The objective is to come closer to bridging the gap between the Dream Identity and the Reality Identity. By the end of this session, there will be a second Destiny Map drawn up. It will be a result of comparing and contrasting where you thought you wanted to be, with where you actually want to be. *In
Session Six: Back to the Destiny Map
In this session, there will be a set of goals created for after the life coaching. This is a send off session dealing with identifying ways to create boundaries that protect your dreams. You will compare notes to see if your values, goals, and destiny map have changed. If they have, you will be given tools to recognize how that changes your perspectives and future goals. By the end of this session, you will have completed a journey that empowers you to recognize what you want, and how to get support towards that end.
*In each session, I as a certified Life Coach reserve the right at any point in time to recommend licensed counseling and/ or medical referral. In this situation, I would not touch issues that deal with a need for professional counseling and/ or medical treatment.
*I am a Christian Life Coach. This means that my worldview comes entirely from my Salvation founded upon the truths of the Bible. I do not require that my students are also Christians. But I do state that I am a Christian, so that if any client would like to incorporate Christianity into their sessions, they know that this is available.