Emotions are a mental condition that can be affected negatively or positively, they are subject to what happens to us and around us, good and bad, sometime from factors beyond our control.
Today, we have an advantage over our ancestors in that we have come to the realization that positive emotional health is crucial to our well-being, and if left unchecked, it could be the downward spiral to negative mental states that could end up in disorders such as chronic depression, anxiety, and possibly suicidal tendencies.
Health professionals are here to see that whatever situation people do go through, they are taught the right and healthy responses that prevent further negative effects.
Whether you are going through bereavement, loss of any nature, sickness or disease, struggling to lose weight or any other situation that has caused negative emotions that you are not managing very well, then you have to the right place.
These 1:1 sessions will seek to address your concerns and struggles. We will then look to review what solutions you have tried and why they failed. We will finally explore alternatives that you may not have considered such as aromatherapy, energy medicine, psychotherapy, nutrition and spiritual avenues.
Assessments will be solely conducted at your pace of progress, you are in the driver's seat, suppport is what you will be obtain.