The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found skin cancer as the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the US. In fact, five million people are treated for skin cancer in the US each year! The rates of skin cancer have been INCREASING every single year over the past several decades. However, sun protection helps prevent the harmful effects of sun exposure, including sunburn, skin cancer, premature skin aging, and eye damage.
Here are some other surprising facts from the CDC:
• 1 out of 3 white women ages 16-24 indoor tan each year
• About 37% of US adults report having been sunburned for the past year
• 3,200 people per year in the US seek care in the emergency room with injuries from indoor tanning
• Nearly 9,000 people die from melanoma per year. Melanoma is the deadliest and most common type of cancer among adolescents and young adults
• Estimated annual cost of skin cancer treatment is 8.1 BILLION dollars
More eye-opening statistics from the CDC:
• Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the most preventable cause of skin cancer
• For most people in the US, the sun is the most common source of exposure to UV rays.
• Genetic factors such as being fair-skinned or having a family history of skin cancer can increase a person’s risk
• Most common types of skin cancer are strongly associated with exposure to UV radiation (as many as 90% of melanomas are caused by UV exposure)
• UV radiation from indoor tanning devices is a less common but easier-to-avoid source of exposure than from the sun
But, did you know that most cases of skin cancer can be prevented with some simple sun protection strategies?
• Do you forget to protect your skin because you do not think that you are at risk for developing skin cancer or sunburn?
• Do you think that skin cancer cannot be prevented?
• Do you need more education on the UV index?
• Do you feel that sunscreen is too messy or inconvenient to use or want more knowledge on how to use sunscreen properly?
• Are you curious about the dangers of intentional tanning?
• Do you want more information on how to prevent premature skin aging?
In this session, I will provide you with the information you need to make informed, healthy choices about your exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. I will discuss myths and facts about tanning. I will also counsel you on using sun protection strategies that work while leading a healthy, active life and enjoying the wild and wonderful outdoors!
See Yourself in Good Health!