IMPORTANT: In this session we will cover ALL things flexible dieting related. If you're worried to commit to a session because you are afraid you will just have a carrot dangled in front of you to commit to more sessions, don't worry, this is not the case. I want you leaving our session completed satisfied and educated to move forward with confidence and understanding to ultimately see results.
In my 20 years of experience I have tried every diet under the sun. Some successful, some not so much. Five years ago however, my son was born and I realized my strict adherence to diets had to change. I was moving my way into bigger and better territory at work, my son needed his father, my wife needed her husband, and I...... well I just needed to know I could stay healthy and energetic, and let's be honest, I still wanted to look good. So even though I had tried flexible dieting in the past, I knew this was going to be my bread and butter from here on out. Mainly because I wanted to eat bread and butter ;)
And guess what? It works. I still carry a really great physique. My wife likes it (mainly because I finally eat what she cooks), my son can legitimately say at school, my daddy is bigger than your daddy. Lol. And most importantly, I can concentrate on the things that matter most. My family, my career, having fun, food, and the occasional adult beverage. And I've helped many others find freedom in this way as well. Because let's be honest you clicked on this listing because at least one if not all of those things are important to you! You either have a massively busy schedule, or you love food, or you don't want to sacrifice too much. So lets get started on your goals right now. And watch your body and life transform for the better.
Just some of the things we will cover in this session outside of the normal scope of dieting include:
-Focal and Anchor points
-Time challenges
-Food Choices