Hello, I'm Coach Sara J.
First and foremost, love is the driving force behind everything I do. Nothing else matters. Love is the greatest law, and there are forces all around us constantly trying to destroy the love you have for yourself and in your relationships. I have been a personal development coach since 2006, and I have seen thousands of life-changing testimonies come out of the work with my clients over the years. What I have learned, is that healing the heart, and protecting its capacity to love is absolutely my highest calling.
My career began as a Weight Loss Coach in 2006. I have worked for the largest companies in Healthcare such as United Health Group and Health Partners, but now I choose to work privately with the Intuition I have been blessed with from being aligned with the Divine Source of Wisdom and Healing. When there are no answers with traditional medicine and mental health is typically when people seek to find the truth. When the student is ready the teacher appears. I have personally walked through incredible heartbreak and was plagued with chronic anxiety and insomnia so bad I thought my heart would stop. I had to find a way out, and I did. Now it is a powerful part of my story I use to set others free.
There is nothing to big or complex for supernatural wisdom and intuition to figure out. I am just a connector and a messenger for solving complex problems and a catalyst for breakthrough, whether it be relationship struggles, financial imbalance. It is all interconnected and I have a team of experts behind me to guide you to the success you desire.
I hope to have the honor of partnering with you in conquering the obstacles in the way of thriving and living a life you truly love! Your family needs you to be whole and fully alive. Your community needs you thriving. By making the critical decision to begin or continue the healing you need within yourself, you begin to heal the world around you. It will take some hard work, but the reward of incredible health and peace of mind is worth the effort. There is nothing more valuable than restoring your health and wholeness.
You deserve to feel amazing!
Coach Sara J.
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