Arielle McCracken

I’m a board certified health and wellness coach and I specialize in helping clients break free from the dieting cycle by uncovering how to truly nourish themselves. Instead of fighting against the body, we will partner with the body and nature to create your unique eating blueprint. My clients are tired of obsessing over food and want to open up to their own power, serving the world with their gifts. They are tired of following someone else’s food rules and want to eat and live in a way that feels aligned with their true selves. They crave a peaceful relationship with food and the body, eating and living in a way that feels effortless and joyful. You might be doubting if this is truly possible, and I totally get it, because I’ve been there too.

I went on my first diet at age 19 and spent the next 10 years experimenting with every diet and cleanse under the sun. Paleo, gluten-free, elimination, juice cleanses, fasting, counting calories, counting marcos, etc. etc... You name it, I’ve probably tried it!

I know what it feels like to struggle with body image and disordered eating patterns and desperately want food freedom. I wanted to listen to and honor how my body was feeling - simply eating when I was hungry and stopping when I was full. I wanted to feel at home in my body. I was tired of giving my power away to some diet program or trend, constantly living out of alignment with myself.

Fed up, I began working with a coach in a food freedom program. I began to explore the concept of intuitive eating, slowly letting go of all of the rules and restrictions and healing my relationship with food. It was a lot of work and it took about 18 months until I found that peace I was craving. For the first time, I learned how to listen to my body, and how to connect to my inner wisdom. Coaching impacted my life so deeply, I knew I wanted to share this gift with others.

Training & Credentials
- I have a bachelors degree (BA) from UCLA and a masters (MA) in Integrative Health Studies from California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)
- I am certified as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (year long program) and hold a certificate in Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching from CIIS (9 month program)
- I am a Certified International Health Coach by the International Association for Health Coaches
- I am certified in guided imagery through CIIS
- I took the national board exam for health and wellness coaches (NBHWC) in July 2023 (awaiting results)
- I am a proven leader with 9+ years as an officer in the US Navy and am experienced in leading teams to success, whether it be leading sailors to accomplish a mission, or supporting my clients to accomplish their health and wellness goals

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