Dr. Nilmaris Segarra Méndez is a Medical Doctor, Reiki Master, Certified Energy Healer, Akashic Records Reader and intuitive practitioner. She is passionate about health based on changes in lifestyle, energetic health and the use of holistic tools.
She started her path with Reiki, with which she fell in love and began her search for all those holistic tools that would connect her with her purpose, where she feels happy. She is a fan of quartz and crystals, aromatherapy, incense, reading a bit of everything and daily meditation.
Within her personal search she found energy healing, chakras, aura and all this realm complement her inner being so well. She is a Yoga practitioner since 2006 and Yoga teacher since 2018.
“I believe in these tools, because I have seen the changes they have made in myself. This is the path that I am passionate about and I want everyone, to experience the wonder of the energy that unites us to be one”.
Be Happy Now
•Medical Doctor-2010
•Usui Reiki Master-2018
•Yoga Teacher 500hrs-2019
•Akashic Records-2020
•Certified Energy Healer-2023
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