This is a topic that I get a lot from clients and people in general who are on their weight loss journey.
While it seems easy, "eat less - train more", most people can't really grasp the concept of fat loss, otherwise everyone would look like a supermodel, right?
Also, notice I am saying fat loss, not weight loss.
The beauty in a properly executed fat loss journey, is that, we get to keep the muscle we have (or even build some new muscle), while shedding off the fat from our mid-section, thighs and behind.
In this session, I am going to teach you some simple steps on how to lose fat fast, and not only that, but also how to keep it off. That's right, most coaches are concerned with getting the "before-after" picture/result only, while not paying minimal attention on the more important part - the "diet after the diet". This negligence results in people regaining all the weight they lost (and even more) in a period of only few months!
Here is a fun fact: did you know that 95% that lose weight tend to gain it all back within a year, and 90% of those people actually gain more weight than they lost previously?
*Not the case with my clients and people who choose to work with me.
We will go over your personal goals, your lifestyle, diet, training, where I will gather all the info I need so I can help you in the most time efficient manner.
I will of course, answer all of your questions, in the most precise and timely fashion, so be prepared to ask away - I am here for you.
Can't wait to help you achieve your goals!