Are you struggling with poor sleep quality? Do you find yourself tossing and turning at night, waking up feeling exhausted, and unable to maintain focus throughout the day? You’re not alone. Millions of people experience sleep issues that affect their overall well-being. The good news is that you can take control of your sleep patterns and develop a routine that promotes restful, rejuvenating sleep. As a practicing chiropractor, sleep is often one of the biggest barriers to ideal healing and recovery, and I am frequently counseling patients on how to improve their sleep.
In this session, you will go through a personalized sleep assessment to comprehensively evaluate your current sleep patterns and habits and identify factors that may contribute to your sleep difficulties.
We'll develop a customized sleep routine together that fits with your lifestyle and personal preferences and will incorporate techniques for helping your body prepare for bed. Our goal is to find a system that is easy for you to stick with and incorporate into your daily life.
We will discuss how to optimize your environment to improve restful sleep, include tips for lighting, temperature, and noise control. We will also discuss different types of bedding that may be beneficial biomechanically so you can wake up without aches and pains.
We will discuss specific healthy sleep habits and simple lifestyle changes that may help improve your sleep. We'll discuss areas like diet, exercise, and stress management. This may include things like adjusting meal times, planning workouts efficiently, and using mindfulness and meditation techniques throughout the day and before bed.