Type 1 diabetes management is not just one size fits all.
There are many factors and conditions that go into obtaining sustainable management for each individual with type 1 diabetes. I have been a Type 1 diabetic for over 20 years so I understand first hand what it is like and how the burnout is real. This is why I’m so passionate about what I do.
Session info:
In this SINGLE SESSION we will focus on understanding all of the factors to consider with movement and exercise when managing blood sugars. What are some possible causes for high and low blood sugars and how to prevent them. What are the effects of exercise on the body and what workout challenge do you want to take control of. Together we will create a vision on where you want your overall health and well-being to be and lay out steps to achieve your goal(s).
A little about me:
I’m Megan, a nationally board certified Health Coach and Diabetes Health Coach. I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when I was 26 years old.
At the time I was diagnosed, there were no cgms and little to no education for me to learn how to navigate my new existence. I looked everywhere and quickly realized there was a huge gap between type 1 diabetes education and the healthcare system. This left me basically on my own, “winging” it for years and years. Trial and error. Eventually, I developed anxiety over constantly having low blood sugars for what seemed to be no reason. The diabetes burnout also started to rear its head during this time and I felt like I was losing myself and my happiness.
I was also missing that personal connection that the doctors just couldn’t provide in a 10-15 minute appointment every three to six months. They didn’t really have time to get to know me and create a personalized diabetes program. It was all about the numbers and how I was doing based on my A1C.
With a communications and behavior science background, the passion for connecting with others and the experience as a type 1 diabetic, all of this led me to switching careers and really focusing on my passion of helping others navigate through their own personal diabetes journey.
My approach to coaching:
Together, we work in a collaborative and safe environment to explore many different areas of your personal and diabetes health.
These areas include:
- nutrition
- exercise
- sleep
- stress,
- relationships
- overall diabetes management
- diabetes education
- home environment
- work/career health
- Self love
We explore all of these areas together in order to create the balance in your life for optimal health and to reach your goals. Our time is spent really getting into the root of why you feel stuck in your own diabetes management and how to unlock your own intuition again.
This is done through the use of evidence-based strategies including positive psychology, cognitive based coaching, somatic/embodied coaching, mindfulness and so much more.
When we look at our lives holistically, then we can understand how diabetes is just one part of the experience and doesn’t define who we are. We are more than just our numbers, our arrows and our A1Cs.
This is a great session for anybody looking to get started in their health journey with their diabetes, feelings stuck in their management and ready to feel empowered by taking control of their diabetes management.
This single session is designed to help you start to put the pieces in place to regain confidence in your ability to manage your diabetes by building up a toolbox full of knowledge and resources that are meaningful to your specific journey. I believe it's important to have these interactions be client led and geared toward your personal learning style.
I’m excited to get to know you and help you get to a place of feeling empowered again with your own life and diabetes management.
“Tell me and I will forget. Teach me and I will remember. Involve me and I will learn.” -Benjamin Franklin