If you have ever been told by your doctor that your blood work is "normal" when you feel anything but, then you are going to want to read on.
A comprehensive blood chemistry is the most important component of your wellness story. It serves as a screening, as well as, a guide to finding your personal root causes and what to focus on so that you can reach your wellness goals faster, easier, and most importantly - maintain them.
The issue with routine blood chemistries (normally done at your yearly physical) is that the typical lab ranges are generally way too wide, making almost any marker appear in the normal range. This is how sub-clinical issues (often problematic root causes) are missed because they are not typically outside the "normal" lab reference ranges. So even though you may be symptomatic, your blood work declares you normal.
This is particularly true of blood sugar and thyroid function tests where you can easily miss sub-clinical issues. These 2 metabolic markers can be the root cause of so many wellness issues such as: weight loss resistance (the inability to lose weight no matter how hard you try), low energy, poor sleep, inflammation, joint pain, fertility issues, postpartum depression, mood disorders (depression, anxiety), menopausal symptoms, andropause symptoms, accelerated aging, foggy head syndrome, sluggish digestion, cardiovascular issues, erectile dysfunction, to name a few.
Based on the insights gained from your blood chemistry analysis, we will develop a personalized plan that works specifically for you. This includes:
Dietary Adjustments: Specific food recommendations to correct deficiencies and optimize nutrient intake.
Supplement Suggestions: Tailored supplement regimens to address any gaps that diet alone cannot fill.
Lifestyle Modifications: Advice on lifestyle changes that can support your overall health, such as exercise, sleep, and stress management techniques.
Analyzing your routine blood chemistry results under the lens of optimal lab ranges, gives me the ability to accurately evaluate your nutritional and metabolic health and is paramount to individualizing your diet and supplement needs. By thoroughly analyzing key biomarkers, this approach transcends generic dietary and supplemental advice, providing a precise, tailored pathway to optimizing your health and wellbeing.