Are you navigating your devastating diagnosis of Lyme Disease/ Co-Infection(s)? Do you endure brain fog, muscle fatigue, headaches, weakness, Lyme-induced insomnia etc? Having an "invisible" illness can feel so lonely. Especially when you try to explain to family/friends- who love you and try, but just cannot fully understand you. Lyme Disease is a unique, multi-system ailment that isn't always physically seen, and can carry a lot of unneeded guilt for the patient.
But you don't have to brave through it alone.
I know first hand how debilitating Lyme is to both the physical body, as well as the energy body. I was sick with misdiagnosed chronic Lyme for 8 years. I had multiple co-infections, as well as strep all throughout my system. My body was truly shutting down. However, I found healing holistically, and I want my story to prove that even in your darkest moments, hope still gleams brightly in front of you.
I will be here to walk with you through this journey to wellness. Healing is not linear, and each session will differ depending on how you are doing. My role as your health coach is to meet you where you are at, and not overwhelm you all while helping to create meaningful & lasting change within your life.
A glimpse into my "Bite Back" Program: Lyme nutrition, gut health, understanding how Lyme acts/interacts in your life, the role of candida in the body only amplifying symptoms.. Learning to detach from this awful disease and claim your power back. To find your sense of self again. To create healthy and sustainable lifestyle shifts & goals, how to release what no longer serves you, etc.
This program is 6-months long, 12 sessions spent with a caregiver who truly understands you. I will help you to navigate your confusing feelings, experiences, and healing process through healthy coping mechanisms. I will validate you, and help to find balance within your life while going through this chapter. I will provide you with infographics, dietary theories to support Lyme healing, wellness activities, and more.
Lyme has nothing on you! It's time for you to reclaim your life, and "bite back".
I look forward to meeting you, and providing you support in the way(s) you personally need it.
("Healing is not linear" image credit to @toyoufromsteph)