Whether it’s your first child, your second, or even your fourth, where you are at that time in your life can impact your mindset during your pregnancy. Perhaps you are on cloud nine. Perhaps you are little concerned about what another child will do to your current family structure, or even to your career.
Prenatal hypnosis can help you prepare for birth by addressing the emotional, mental, and physical body.
Not only can you visualize and focus on your ideal birth plan, but you can also have fun imagining what your birth would be like if it could be any way you could create it.
For optimal results, I recommend six sessions of hypnosis prior to the birth of your baby. For first time moms, I recommend starting sessions around 30 weeks. Moms of multiples: start at 25 weeks. Second, third (or beyond!) pregnancies, schedule around 28 weeks.
The first three sessions will be one-on-one. During the second three sessions, the birth partner of your choice can participate. Sessions will focus on teaching you techniques for full body hypno anesthesia, hypno epidural, as well as relaxation, self care, and building your confidence about labor, childbirth, and motherhood. All sessions will be recorded so you can practice at home.
How Hypnotherapy Can Help
-Those who use hypnosis require significantly less pain medication and anesthesia, and report less pain, nausea, and fatigue after surgery
-Hypnosis has been shown to reduce the first and second stage of labor
-Shorten hospital stay
-Decrease fear
-Faster recovery
Most importantly, hypnotherapy can be a wonderful space to deal with any anxieties or concerns you have about motherhood. As parents, we have so many things to do and so many things on our mind. Learning relaxation techniques can serve you - and your family - well beyond your pregnancy.