"You must know yourself to grow yourself!" John Maxwell has said!
But how do you know yourself our what are you aware about yourself? What value do you see in yourself? How are you modeling yourself after?
Growth stops when you lose the tension between where you are and where you could be! So how do you keep that tension without it snapping like a rubber band that is stretched too far? Furthermore, you must develop yourself before you develop any others around you!
I believe in helping other people excel in faith, family, and freedom so they can become a REAL Success on the stage of life the matters most, their front door. I believe in helping people establish proper Relationships that span the generational timeline. I then seek to Equip people in those relationships. That is accomplished through giving them time tested principles and Attitudes that can be used to Lead themselves and others to not just success but significance.
This study is the first in a series of a continuity plan to assist you in knowing your purpose in life, helping you reach for your maximum potential, and sowing into others which in turn will repeat this process. Jump on into the 15 Laws of REAL Growth that will in turn ignite your passion for REAL Success and significance!
Check out the video for more information.