The World's Most Practical Pre-Marriage Assessment
Preparing for a strong and passionate marriage is one of the most important things you'll ever do. More than a million couples have used the award-winning Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (SYMBIS for short) assessment and through the SYMBIS Assessment we can help you prepare for lifelong love like never before. Plus, it's fun.
I invite you to connect with me to have a one hour complimentary discovery call in which we will go over the many different aspects of preparing you for the marriage that you are dreaming of. In getting you prepared for not just the day of the wedding, we help you navigate subjects like understanding the myths of marriage, love styles, love languages, how to develop happiness in marriage, love and respect for men and for women, the crazy cycle, the energizing cycle, and much more that engages the love to last a lifetime.
Through the detailed assessment, a total of 24 areas of marriage engagement are discovered that generates a very detailed report that in the 15 sessions that last up to 90 minutes prepares you for a lifetime of greater see through intimacy with your mate. It also has a companion his and her's study guide that brings you as a couple through 24 joint exercises to better prepare you to know your mate for some fantastic years ahead of you.
You will discover your money methods, your fight types, your love life styles, your personalities, your talk styles, your deepest longings and more! Connect with us today for that complimentary discovery call to see if this is the right fight for your pre-marital needs today. This call will be well worth your investment! Check out video below for more information