According to many researchers, unprocessed emotional experiences end up trapped within the physical and energetic body. Many times this can lead to a plethora of unwanted symptoms, often unrecognized as being related to a previous undigested experience. Energy clearings help to identify these subconscious emotions and release them, without needing to know where the emotions or beliefs came from, or why they are there. I like to think of energy clearings like talk therapy, but on fast forward - and without the talking.
During your pet's energy clearing, you, as the owner, get to choose whether you and your pet want to actively participate in the simple clearing process or simply relax and passively release things. Most often I find the pet enjoys being part of the clearing, because they're on the receiving end of lots of petting. Animals most commonly worked with are dogs, cats and horses
Many times when we witness unwanted behavior in our animals, it's not because they want to act out or annoy us. It's their way of telling us that something is bothering them, just like when we have unwanted symptoms - that's our body's way of telling us something is going on. so, if you have any background information about your beloved pet, you may choose to center the clearing around that, or just see what might be ready to be released.
Just like with people, energy work is like the layers of an onion. We have to start somewhere, and that’s the outermost layer of the onion. Once we are able to release whatever is within the first layer, more and more things will start to become ready to be released. With all energy work, only what the body is ready to release can be cleared; we can’t force anything to be cleared from our energy system - sometimes it’s only a handful of emotions or a single belief, sometimes it’s hundreds - even thousands of them. The subconscious will tell us how much and what is ready to be released at any given time, and you should not expect to be able to clear out everything in a single session (remember, we’re an onion). Oftentimes the more consistent you are, the more ready different emotions and beliefs will be.
At the end of a session your pet may be more calm and relaxed, you may notice their behavior has shifted, or there is a very real chance that they have a different type of reaction - the zoomies perhaps. Energy is very subtle, but animals seem to be pretty sensitive to it, so sometimes there is a very noticeable change and sometimes its a bit more subtle.