Iris Soul Readings with Dr. Kristen
Soul Eyes Reading: What is your soul saying through your eyes
“The Eyes are the Windows to the Soul”
Our eyes not only take in light, but radiate light as well. Your soul wants to be heard and acknowledged. During this session, Dr. Kristen uses Iris photos, knowledge of the body and energy, and intuitive information to do just that. Dr. Kristen believes the eyes are far more than just seeing the world around us. Our inner vision, perceptions, and beliefs are powerful in creating a life of flow and ease. Physical, emotional, chemical, and spiritual blocks can all arise stifling our well-being. By tapping into this information from your eyes, a greater awareness and understanding of who you are can be obtained.
Needed for the session:
*Clear photos of the colored portion of the eyes (Iris).
*Marked properly right and left
*As Close as possible, but still maintaining resolution (cell phone camera is fine).
Any of the following may recommend:
Discussion includes physical strengths/weaknesses, emotional connections, and stepping back and assessing the whole picture.
*Lifestyle recommendations, supplements, essential oils, flower essences, crystals, tapping, breath work, meditation, certain foods, dietary adjustments, particular movements, and more.
Dr. Kristen’s goal is that you experience a greater sense of connection, joy, and well-being.