Fitness fusion featuring a combination of Cardio and Resistance which will sculpt your body while dropping inches.
The Answer for Those Who are Too Busy to Workout, Frustrated with Age-related Fat Gain, and Sick of Long, Boring Exercises that Produce NO Results...
Why it Works so Well at Burning Fat, Shaping Muscle and Turning Back the Clock...
· Is customizable to ANYBODY at ANY age at ANY fitness level... even someone with injuries...
· Combines cardio and resistance training into a single workout, saving a TON of time...
· Keeps your body burning fat and shaping muscle up to 48 hours AFTER you exercise…
· Requires ONLY your body weight or small hand held weights and a chair; NO large exercise equipment needed...
· Unleashes a powerful overflow of ANTI-AGING HORMONES that boost energy and mood while strengthening bone, muscle and connective tissue...
Why this will work for YOU….Jaime’s method is customized. That means it caters to your individual needs, helping you sculpt the body you want at your own pace.
You work at YOUR intensity, YOUR speed, to get the results that YOU want.
Your workout intensity is still high, but it’s YOUR type of high intensity... not what some super-fit, muscle bound, commercial trainer says it is.
Your intensity is only as high as your fitness level SAFELY allows. You control YOUR pace.
Jaime leads you through a series of movements and intensity of not resting in between exercises ..and the result is your energy has to return to its resting state which causes you to burn calories even AFTER your workout is over.
When you pass this magic threshold, that's what triggers your fat burning hormones to start zapping fat, especially from those trouble spots on your belly, hips, waist and thighs.