Optimize your sports performance goals with real nutrition
Supplements, protein shakes and pre-workout formulas might add to your routine, but they can’t replace:
• Sleep
• Micronutrient rich whole foods
• Consistent, effective training
I have found that using EFFECTIVE super concentrated ancient foods allows you to make your supplements an essential part of a complete micronutrient diet.
The real secret to better health isn’t more protein; it is in eating more peptide molecules. Without a balanced array of all the different amino acids:
· You begin to lose muscle tone.
· You cannot create energy on a cellular level. (You will begin to experience fatigue).
I’ll teach you an expanded way to offset recovery needs via micronutrients, not just glycogen (sugar for energy) needs.
An intro (bio) to working with AugustVitality coach ilyse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIVPcViOA14
-What people are saying-
“I have been privy to using SO MANY supposed healthy things, but this is one of the first products that really works in a synergistic way for training and for eating.” -Carla Dunlap mid 60's ! Ms. Olympia Champion 1983