If you are allergic to gluten or have celiac disease, then you have your answer. But if you’re curious about a gluten-free lifestyle and just want to experiment to see how good you would feel without gluten - GO FOR IT.
Going gluten-free is not always easy, so I created this for you, to make it simple to understand how to go gluten-free with ease.
Recent research and many doctors claim that there are multiple benefits to going gluten-free, including anti-inflammation, weight loss, a decreased risk of heart disease, plus more energy.
You may be amazed at how fabulous, free, and energetic you'll end up feeling by cutting out gluten and gluten-containing products. Many people also see excess bloat, weight, and brain fog go away.
If you do eat gluten & you feel or experience fatigue, belly bloating, puffy face, and/or lethargy after eating, then just know that gluten does not work for your unique body.
• Difficult weight management
• Constipation/Diarrhea
• Gas/Bloating
• Headaches
• Low energy
• Low sex drive
• Bad skin
• Heartburn/Reflux
• Moodiness/Depression
• Anemia
• Malnutrition
• Leaky gut
• Anemia
• Failure to thrive
• Asthma
• Brain fog
• Environmental allergies
• Depression & anxiety
• Disease
• Auto-immune diseases
• Inflammation
I've been eating gluten-free for 15 years and have learned how to make it simple to understand and apply to daily life, whether at home, eating out, or on the road.