Heather Shepard

I am a Transformational Life and Intimacy Coach for those in need of emotional healing. I specialize in 1:1 and workshop like coaching for individuals struggling with self-abandonment issues as a result of emotional or physical trauma.

These issues will show up in your life as low self-esteem, low self-worth, addiction/unhealthy behaviors, toxic/narcissistic relationships, self-sabotaging patterns, relationship heartbreak on repeat – not being able to move on and forward, and generally an overall feeling of not being good enough, unworthy, unlovable, or feeling like you simply don’t matter.

Under my coaching guidance, I plan to help you transform your pain into purpose -for those who want a way out! Where, you no longer feel stuck in a state of hopelessness. I’m not here to transform you into someone you’re not – rather, the person you are destined to be. The YOU, that you forgot existed and lives inside of you! I will help guide you back to yourself, and transform self-abandonment into self-empowerment, and heartbreak into happy!

You’ll become aware of your limiting beliefs so you can get out of your own way – take back your power, and awaken that beautiful soul that is screaming to break free! As a result, you’ll fall in love with the best version of yourself, and cultivate a life that is happy, fulfilled, peaceful, and purposeful.

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