Greetings! My name is Tehetina Woldemichael, PhD. I have been practicing wholesome/ holistic healing for the past nine years using various techniques, such as mindfulness, consciousness, and energy alignment to heal the whole mind, body, and soul. I am highly skilled in understanding the subconscious mind, emotional state of being, as well as energetic state of being. Drawing concepts and practices from talk therapy, psychodynamics, psychoanalysis, cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive mindfulness based therapy, and spirituality I am able to heal different relationship dynamics stemming from childhood (including parent/child relationship), heal childhood conditioning/ trauma/ experience, heal outdated belief systems and behavioral patterns, heal one's view of the self and the world, and bring consciousness and wisdom to the workings of the subconscious mind and unprocessed emotions and energy.
I have conducted over nine-years worth of research to understand the connection between the subconscious mind, emotional health or state of being, and energy and moment-to-moment physical health. I have experience healing different ailments and diseases, such as chronic migraine, pneumonia, bronchitis, kidney problem, bowel movement problem, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, anxiety, skin inflammation, lung and bone cancer. My PhD training in Biophysics has reinforced my understanding of the Energy we have within and its implications on our thoughts, emotions, decision, as well as health. Moreover, my ten plus years of research experience in the biomedical and biophysical space has allowed me to understand the human condition in a greater detail to bring about a foundational, lasting, and more effective treatment and healing.
Welcome and I hope you join me in your journey of healing and transformation from deep within.