The way to better health is to develop good habits and healthier lifestyle choices. Developing these habits is not hard to do. It involves things like mindful eating, smarter shopping ( which can also save money), healthier recipes, easy ways of adding activity, managing stess and more. It doesn't include restrictive diets, yoyo diets, pills, shots, or any quick fix gimmicks. It involves commitment and knowledge. You provide the commitment and I will provide the knowledge. Food is medicine. Learning how to fuel your body with the food it needs is a huge part of a healthier life and can prevent diseases like obesity, cardiovascular illness, diabetes, cancer, and strengthen your immune system which will improve quality of life and even slow aging.
I have lost people close to me as a result of their lifestyles and unhealthy choices. It is now my mission to educate people to develop healthier habits and empower them to take control of their health.
This packaging consists of the following five sessions:
Session 1
Mindful eating and healthy snacking
There is more to good eating habits than just healthy food. Besides thinking about what we eat, we need to consider why and how. Am I hungry or just bored or emotional? Am I eating too fast? Did I spend thirty minutes preparing a meal, to eat it in just two minutes' time and not savoring it? How can I become more mindful about meals and about eating in between? Why am I wanting a snack? Am I really hungry or am I simply craving something sweet or something salty? What are healthy options? Join me in finding answers to these questions.
What we'll discuss:
Healthy snacking
Controlling portions
Mindful eating v. emotional eating
Listening to your body
Join me and let's have a snack!
Session 2
Food Shopping
Grocery shopping can be confusing and even scary for some. In order to build healthier eating habits it starts with groceries. With a smart plan and some knowledge shopping can be easy and even save money. Let's discuss how to navigate the grocery store and make the food shopping experience easy and less scary.
What we'll discuss:
How to meal plan
Making a list
Reading labels
Buying ingredients to be used in multiple meals
Storing produce properly
Dangers of processed foods
Join me and let's go shopping!
Session 3
Healthy Eating
Eating healthy means enjoying nature's gifts. Vegetables, along with fruits, nuts, legumes, and grains are essential to good health. I want to share what I've researched and learned about incorporating clean unprocessed foods into our daily lives. Food is medicine. Eating well can help in preventing illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, cardiac issues, and even some cancers. Providing our bodies necessary nutrients through conscientiously cooked food makes us feel and look better.
What we'll discuss:
Essential foods
Transforming traditional recipes to healthier versions
Healthy cooking methods
Cooking more plant-based meals
Basic cooking skills for the beginner
Dining out
Food safety
Join me and let's cook!
Session 4
Adapting a healthier lifestyle not just healthier eating but must include exercise as well. Health benefits of adding activity in life are almost endless. Not only is it good for our body but our mind as well. Doesn't just mean vigorous activities. There are a lot of easy, simple things you can do to activities in everyday life. No need to join a gym or buy equipment (just sneakers). Adding activity has many health benefits. Exercise can improve heart function, help manage weight, increase flexibility, strengthen muscles and bones which reduces risks of osteoporosis and by releasing endorphins can even make us happier people.
What we'll discuss:
Benefits of different exercises
Weight loss and management
Learning proper form and exercising safely
Easy ways to add more movement into daily life outside of structured exercise program
Join me and let's get moving!
Session 5
Stress Management
Eating healthy and being active is important to good health. However there is one other factor that significantly affects our health…stress. Stress can seriously destroy our health. Excessive stress can raise blood pressure, release hormones like cortisol that increase dangerous belly fat. It weakens the immune system thus lowering resistance to illnesses and diseases including cancer. Often to cope with stress many people make bad decisions that develop into unhealthy habits like addictions and eating disorders. Before that happens, there are simple things we can do to cope with stress. Let's talk about what those steps are.
What we will discuss:
Managing stress
Breathing techniques to relax your nervous system
Quality sleep
Finding joy and happiness everyday
Join me and let's chill out!
What to expect: we will start with a health assessment and learn about you and your life. Then we will discuss easy ways to make changes in your life towards your health goals. Along with the initial 50 minute video call, (per session) I will provide emails and texts for additional support.
Join me and take control of your health!
You can't put a price on good health, however $200 may be difficult to spend now. So I am offering an option for individual sessions for $40. A small investment in your health now can save you a ton of money later that you may spend on medication, doctors visits and hospital visits.
I recommend all five sessions no matter if you can do the package or individual sessions.
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