Welcome to UN-Desk Yourself with L the Trainer, CPT, CNS, CSP, and CCES!
Which of the following do you experience?
Sitting in chairs for hours at a time?
Back pain?
Neck pain?
Shoulder pain?
Hip pain?
Knee Pain?
Muscle Tightness?
Joint Stiffness?
Forward Head Posture?
Rounded shoulders?
Uneven shoulders?
Feeling hopeless and helpless about your pain and discomfort?
Being in pain, having muscles and joints that resist and restrict movement, and feeling off balance are three things that can affect everything you do or choose not to do! You may have been living in discomfort for weeks, months, or even years at this point. You may also be stuck believing that there is nothing you can do to change what you've been experiencing. Let today be the day that you take back control and do something about it!
With UN-Desk Yourself, we will work together to reverse your pains and discomforts brought on by sitting, and ultimately look to eliminate them!
Step One: One 30 minute Virtual Assessment Session
*to conduct a verbal and visual evaluation of your workday and chair posture, in order to be able to target imbalances and deviations from natural posture, and equip me with the information necessary to create the most appropriate and effective exercise training session!
Step Two: One 60 minute Custom Exercise Training Session
*to implement specifically chosen, appropriate and effective exercises into a 60 minute customized exercise training session, which will include customized daily morning warm ups, specific daily workday exercises, and a tailored nightly stretch routine!
Step Three: One Written Session Overview with Tips
*to give you an outline of what we discussed in your assessment call, what we were able to accomplish in your custom exercise training session, and give you specific tips to support your continued daily journey to UN-Desk yourself!
Step Four: One 20 minute Virtual Follow-Up Call
*to check in on how you felt in the days following your initial exercise session, what you've been experiencing since your exercise session, and allow you to have your questions answered, all in order to help you continue confidently on your path toward a you that is balanced, functionally sound, and aligned.
What's my goal? To align your vision of the healthiest physical version of yourself with the right steps to take to get you there, and take you through those steps to get you UN-Desked! Whether you choose one session, several weeks or months of sessions, or more, I'm excited to meet you and be a part of dispelling old beliefs that you are hopelessly stuck, and building the new belief and confidence that YOUR DESK DOES NOT OWN YOU! I look forward to our session together!