Are you tired of battling the same thoughts day in and out? Enter ME! I am here to help relieve you of the stress and anxiety you are carrying around with you like a dead weight. We can talk about anything you want. I specialize in relationships, and we have one of those with everything and everyone around us, even if we don’t know it. A true healthy relationship starts with the one you have with yourself. Let us release the negative self-talk, the caring about what others think of us, and try to break old habits together. I am willing to discuss anything you would like and help you achieve some peace of mind by the end of the session. No problem is too small to reason out and the problem belongs somewhere else than inside your mind. Walk through the fear and let’s make some changes together.
A little about me: I am a Certified Relationship Coach and Certified Peer Support. I really love helping people with communication and understanding the world around them. We live in a kind of crazy time in the history of the world and there are a lot of unhealthy ideas floating around. I am here to get rid of the old habits and bring in healthy new ones. It is not an easy process, but it is doable, if you are willing to do the work. The results and possibilities are endless.
I am a mother of 2 boys and 1 girl. I am married to a firefighter in training and couldn’t be prouder of him. We live in Yuma, Arizona and I am truly fortunate to have the little family I have. We are a close-knit unit and live our healthiest lives the best we can daily. I have been a “friend of bill’s” for 10 years and I could not be more grateful for that. I live a spiritual life, eat healthy and workout daily. I do not believe in living in fear or caring what others think about me. Come join me!