Beginner Techniques for Meditation
Meditation has been a lifelong practice that I grew up with in an Indian household. It wasn't always easy to commit to, as it can be a daunting experience. It is a practice that many of us typically put off or say we don’t have time to do, even though we know the bountiful effects and benefits (calmer nervous system, increased ability to handle stress, a more open mindset, and greater intuition). It becomes the one thing we “don’t have time for”.
While we focus on exercise and dietary changes, many of us seem to leave this one off the table. Much of this is because we don’t know how to start or really, what to do. Our bodies are also preconditioned to not like change, and increasing our inner awareness (while extremely positive), is still a change. Guided meditations can be of great help but also ease us more into a state of ‘relaxation’ as opposed to a state of increased self-awareness and consciousness.
Over the years in my education and personal experience I have identified easy traditional meditation techniques to employ that not only work but help you come back to meditation every day, providing a flow of consistency that ultimately enables you to live a calmer, more peaceful, and self-aware life.