Boundaries are one of the most well-kept secrets to living a happier life! Learn to say 'no' and see the benefits of establishing boundaries in your life (career, home, relationships, friends, partners, bosses).
A healthy relationship involves mutual love and respect which is balanced in nature and respected by all parties. You may want to explore your ability to manage boundaries if you struggle with telling your parents how you really feel (no matter your age), expressing your needs to your partner is difficult for you, telling your boss 'no' to last-minute demands makes you uncomfortable, and or pushing back when a friend tries to take advantage is not something you do well.
You may want to consider joining this session if you feel that there's never enough of you! If you feel that your life is unbalanced. The truth is if you don't learn to make yourself a priority; you can't give your best to those you love.
So join me in this session and learn how to say 'no' and feel good about making the right decisions that serve you, your health, and your priorities in life. You'll be glad you did!