The Body Love Buffet Group Coaching with Victoria

The Body Love Buffet is a comprehensive online programme + a private support group with weekly coaching support + ongoing monthly group coaching calls.

I see you...

  • Starting again every Monday

  • Hiding food wrappers

  • Lying to loved ones about what you’ve eaten

  • Looking back at past photos where at the time you thought you looked fat but now you desperately wish you could be in that body again

  • Constantly wishing you were thinner

  • Feeling super excited to start something new, promising yourself you’ll stick to it and then failing when you’ve only just gotten started…

I get it...

This was me for years before I finally thought “fuck this – I’m going to enjoy sex and chocolate and I’m not going to let myself feel bad about it either!”

I finally learned how to start thinking about my body and food like a healthy, happy person who doesn’t struggle each day with “My Fitness Pal” only to end up face planting chocolate later that evening.

Are you ready...?

My work changes lives. I’ve had women join who have previously been through a “similar” programme for 6 months and I am gobsmacked in regards to how little progress they have made. What I teach is radically different to other coaches in my area of expertise and my clients experience HUGE positive shifts in WEEKS. And you get access to The Body Love Buffet for the lifetime of the programme!

Working with me will have you transitioning from

Food prison ⇒ food freedom
Self-controlling ⇒ self-connecting & self-caring
Self-conscious ⇒ self-confident

You’ll be fasting from food fukery. Detoxing from diet culture and cleansing body hate out of your system!

The Body Love Buffet will have you...

  • No longer feeling crazy/out of control around food

  • No more binge eating or emotional eating spiralling out of control

  • Making nourishing food choices because you want to

  • No more binging in secret & hiding the wrappers

  • Free from obsessive food thoughts

  • Eating what you want, how much you want, whenever you want with no guilt

  • Food being a fun, delicious part of your life, not your whole life

  • Having sex with the lights on without worrying about what your body looks like

  • Fully accepting of the way your body looks & even learning to love your “flaws”

  • Confident to live in the body you have without constantly wishing you were smaller

  • Wearing what you want & feeling great about it

  • Enjoying holidays without stressing about what you look like in swimwear & no longer feeling like you need to do a diet countdown before your holidays!

  • At or on your way to your natural healthy set point weight

  • Going after your big dreams & life goals as you are no longer wasting energy obsessing over what you eat & how your body looks

  • And seriously, much more…

What's included in The Body Love Buffet?

01- The Body Love Binge Online Programme for lifetime access

There is so much value in this programme alone, I cannot portray it in writing. Consider this your ‘educational buffet’ which is open 24/7. It's chock-a-block with everything you need to fast from food fukery, detox from diet culture and cleanse body hate out of your system! You can consume as much as you'd like in either bite-sized chunks or a full-on binge. Second helpings are welcome and encouraged here!

02- Lifetime membership in my private community

You'll be surrounded and supported by other women on the same journey as you in a private space for daily support. The support group is housed in a private platform that is purposely away from social media.

03- Monthly group coaching calls

Each month we will have a Zoom video group coaching call. You'll be able to attend these calls for the lifetime of the group coaching programme (so indefinitely). On these calls, you'll get a chance to be directly coached by me in a group environment. These calls are so supportive and transformative. You are held with such love by me and the other ladies as I coach you through what's coming up for you.

All calls are recorded and housed in a separate channel to replay any time.

04- Weekly coaching, support & extra resources from me in the group

I'll be in there weekly for the lifetime of the programme (so indefinitely) to coach you through any struggles, celebrate your progress and provide you with extra resources that will support your journey to food freedom and body love.

05- A free ticket to any future bonus sessions or workshops that I host


06- You can access previously recorded private podcasts, coaching calls & bonus workshops at anytime

All previous group coaching calls, bonus workshops and private podcasts are saved in organised channels in the private support group so you can access them anytime.

07- Access to The Body Love Bite

Free access to my other online programme, The Body Love Bite.

☆ Offers Free Discovery Call: No, but I am happy to answer questions via message
Session Type: Group Wellness Session
Date & Time (for group sessions): Usually the first Saturday of every month at 16.00 CET
Quantity of Sessions Included (for packages): 9999
Price Per Session $: 50
Session Length (in minutes) : 120
Booking Timezone: Central Standard Time (CST) [GMT -6:00]
What to expect in a meeting: Deep healing from eating disorders, life coaching, support, love, tools and homework.
Target Audience: Individuals
Ideal Age Groups:
Improvement Goals:
Cardiovascular Fitness
Eat Healthier
Energy & Vitality
Feel Better
Healthier Relationships
Healthier Skin
Longevity & Aging
Look Better
Mental Wellbeing
Physical Fitness
Weight Loss
Reduce Stress
Reduce Substance Use
Sexual Health
Sleep Better
Strength & Muscle
Vitamin & Supplements
Area Of Specialty: Emotional Health
Professional Training:
Ayurvedic Practitioner
Body Talk Practitioner
Breathwork Therapist
Emotion Code
Energy Healer
Health Coach
Health Counselor
Life Coach
Medical Doctor
Meditation Teacher
Naturopathic Doctor
Nurse Practitioner
Occupational Therapist
Osteopathic Doctor
Personal Trainer
Physical Therapist
Pilates Instructor
Qi Gong / Tai Chi
Registered Nurse
Reiki Master
Spiritual Leader
TCM Practitioner
Zen Master
EFT Practitioner
Years of experience: 5
Languages Offered:

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